Thursday 27 July 2017

Now we will discuss about states of matter.

  • Matter
Anything that has mass and occupies space is called matter.
  • States of matter

  1. Solid
A solid has a definite shape and volume. It retains its shape unless it is acted upon by an external agent such as heat or a force.
e.g. soil,sugar,a brick and etc.Image result for solid

2. Liquid

A liquid has a definite volume but no definite shape.Liquids take the shape of the container they
are poured into.
e.g. water,milk,oil and etc.
Related image
3. Gases

A gas has neither a definite shape nor definite volume.Most gases cannot be seen by naked eye.
e.g. oxygen,nitrogen,carbon dioxide and etc.Image result for gas particle

4. Plasma

Plasma is a state of matter that is often thought of as a subset of gases, but the two states behave very differently. Like gases, plasma have no fixed shape or volume, and are less dense than solids or liquids. But unlike ordinary gases, plasma is made up of atoms in which some or all of the electrons have been stripped away and positively charged nuclei, called ions, roam freely.Image result for plasma

                                                        By : Om Pingle

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